EU mulls revision of state aid rules for agri, forestry, fishery sectors

Farming – Image by Siggy Nowak on Pixabay

(BRUSSELS) – The European Commission invited all interested parties Monday to comment on proposed revised State aid rules for the agricultural, forestry and fishery sectors, to reflect current EU strategic priorities.

The Commission says the purpose of the proposed revision is to align the current rules with the current EU strategic priorities, in particular the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP), as well as to the European Green Deal. Member States and other interested parties can respond to the consultation until 13 March 2022.

The EU executive is proposing a number of changes to the different sets of rules, such as, among others:

  • Guidelines for State aid in the agricultural and forestry sectors and in rural areas: the Commission proposes to consider Member States’ actions under the reformed CAP carried out as part of their CAP Strategic Plans to be in line with EU State aid rules, so that the necessary State aid approval procedure can be carried out swiftly. The proposal also introduces new categories of aid to be assessed and approved under the Guidelines, e.g. aid for the prevention, control and eradication of infestation by invasive alien species and emerging diseases to protect plant, animal and public health. Moreover, the proposed revised Guidelines provide more incentives for forest-management measures which are favourable for the environment and the climate (so-called forest-environment and climate services), by increasing the maximum aid intensity to 120% of the eligible costs for biodiversity, climate, water or soil related services, and carbon farming schemes.
  • Agricultural Block Exemption Regulation: the Commission proposes to align the aid intensities for a measure to fall under the ABER with those provided by the CAP Strategic Plans under the reformed Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). It also proposes to introduce new categories of aid measures to be block exempted, e.g. aid to make good the damages caused by protected species of animals and aid to compensate for the additional costs incurred when agricultural land is situated in Natura 2000 areas.
  • Guidelines for the examination of State aid to the fishery and aquaculture sector: the Commission proposes to introduce new aid categories to be assessed by the Commission under the Guidelines, notably aid for the prevention, control and eradication of infestation by invasive alien species and emerging diseases and aid to compensate for damages caused by protected species of animals (unless they are block exempted). The proposed draft Guidelines also clarify and streamline the rules in a number of areas, such as those relating to aid for the renewal of the fishing fleet in outermost regions. This aims at increasing readability of the draft Guidelines, thus easing their application and providing more clarity to the Member States, also in light of the experience gained.
  • Fishery Block Exemption Regulation: the Commission proposes to exempt new categories of aid measures from the obligation to notification to and approval by the Commission, in particular aid to compensate for damages caused by protected species of animals and aid to compensate damages caused by certain adverse weather conditions.
  • Fishery de minimis Regulation: the Commission proposes an update of the maximum cumulative amounts of de minimis aid that can be granted per Member State on the basis of more recent sectoral data.

The proposals under consultations and all details about the public consultations are available:

here as regards the agriculture and forestry sectors and rural areas and

here as regards the fishery sector.

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