EU launches large-scale renewable energy skills partnership

Image by Mirko Fabian from Pixabay

(BRUSSELS) – Renewable energy trade associations and clean technologies installers with EU support have set up a large-scale skills partnership for the renewable energy industrial ecosystem.

The aim of the partnership is to empower workers with the skills needed for the manufacturing and management of renewable energy technologies to achieve the EU’s energy and climate objectives for 2030 and climate neutrality by 2050. The Commission says it will do so by enabling quality job creation and career paths in Europe, proposing policy recommendations to advance skills development, involving relevant national authorities, education institutions, especially vocational education and training institutions, and training platforms; and attracting more women to clean energy-related jobs.

Overall, around 1.3 million persons were employed in the EU renewable energy sector in 2020. This number is set to increase following the accelerated deployment of clean energy solutions. Accounting for all renewable energy sectors, achieving our REPowerEU targets will require the creation of over 3.5 million jobs by 2030. For instance, the skills needs for the biomethane and heat pumps sectors are estimated at more than 1 million workers by the year 2030, according to industry. In the photo-voltaic solar energy sector, the industry estimate also amounts to 1 million workers by 2030, with up to 66,000 jobs needed in manufacturing alone.

Commissioner for Energy Kadri Simson said: “This large-scale partnership under the Pact for Skills will help the massive deployment of renewables that we need for the clean energy transition. It will also help us achieve the 2030 REPowerEU targets for renewable energy, which require the creation of millions of jobs across all renewables’ sectors.”

Pact for Skills

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