— last modified 07 May 2007

INTI is a European Union funding programme for preparatory actions promoting the integration in the EU member states of people who are not citizens of the EU. Its aim is also to promote dialogue with civil society, develop integration models, seek out and evaluate best practices in the integration field and set up networks at European level.


What are INTI’s purposes?

The Member States of the European Union vary considerably in the way they conceive the integration of third-country nationals and in the extent to which they have developed and implemented integration policies. Some countries have a long experience in this area whereas others have only just started developing national policies.

Both experienced and less experienced Member States should benefit from the INTI programme, according to the European Commission. Third countries can participate in the activities undertaken by Member States, although they cannot apply or receive financial support in this framework.

The underlying principle is to promote new and innovative ways of integrating immigrants, building wherever possible on past experience.

INTI encourages co-operation between Member States, their regional, local authorities and other stakeholders and the creation of trans-national partnerships and networks.

Priority will be given to actions enhancing the empowerment of migrants and contributing to a trans-national and constructive dialogue.

The call for proposals for INTI 2006 aims at providing financial support to actions which contribute to the realisation of the following three specific objectives :

Specific objective A:

To support the setting up of trans-national co-operation networks or pilot projects designed to identify, exchange and evaluate good practices and new approaches in the field of integration.

Specific objective B:

To increase knowledge base for the development of integration policies EU-wide.

Specific objective C:

To support trans-national dialogue and awareness on integration issues and its impact on society.

What are the conditions to be eligible for co-financing ?

Actions may be proposed by legal persons registered in one of the 25 Member States.

Projects must be submitted by at least five legal persons registered in the 25 Member States, the applicant will be the lead partner.

Actions may include partners and participants from third countries on a no-cost basis.

The co-financing of an action by an INTI preparatory actions shall be exclusive of any other financing by another programme financed by the budget of the European Communities.

Information on integration:

Source: European Commission

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