Erasmus+: EU publishes 2020 student exchange programme call


(BRUSSELS) – The EU Commission published Tuesday its 2020 call for proposals for the Erasmus+ programme – opportunities for young Europeans to study and train abroad – with an expected budget of over EUR 3 billion.

2020 is the last year of the current European Union programme for mobility and cooperation in education, training, youth and sport.

As part of the 2020 call for proposals, the Commission will launch a second pilot on European Universities. Moreover, the EU aims to create 35,000 opportunities for African students and staff to participate in the programme as part of the Africa-Europe Alliance for Sustainable Investment and Jobs

Education Commissioner Tibor Navracsics welcomed the investment of more than EUR 3 billion: “It will allow us to open up more opportunities for young Europeans to study or train abroad, enabling them to learn and develop a European identity. And it will help us to take the European Universities initiative forward, showing our continued investment in the European Education Area.”

Any public or private body active in the fields of education, training, youth and sport may apply for funding under this call for proposals. In addition, groups of young people who are active in youth work, but not formally established as youth organisations, may apply.

Together with the call for proposals, the Commission has also published the Erasmus+ Programme Guide in all official EU languages. It provides applicants with details on all opportunities open to them in higher education, vocational education and training, school education and adult education, youth and sport under Erasmus+ in 2020.

European Universities

The first 17 European Universities were selected in June 2019. They are in the process of starting their activities. The second call for proposals builds on this first test phase. The initiative is the focus of a Commission event on 7 November, where all the European Universities selected so far will for the first time come together to exchange information and discuss the way forward with students, rectors and ministries responsible for higher education. Other universities will also be represented for discussions on the future of higher education in Europe.

Education, vocational training and adult learning

This will be the third year of the School Exchange Partnerships – an Erasmus+ action offering opportunities for European schools to exchange pupils and teachers. Over the past two years, more than 15,000 schools have participated. In 2020, another 9,000 schools will have the opportunity to take part.

In vocational education and training, investment focuses on ErasmusPro – opportunities for learners and apprentices to spend between three months and a year abroad, developing their professional and linguistic competences. Since its launch in 2018, ErasmusPro has succeeded in increasing the interest for long-term placements in vocational education and training, and has supported more than 12,000 learners per year. Support will also help set up “pilot” transnational vocational education and training Centres of Excellence, integrated in local and regional development strategies. The Centres will work closely with other education and training sectors, the scientific community and business to develop high quality curricula focused on sectoral skills.

In adult learning, financial support will help set up or strengthen regional or national networks of adult learning providers, so that they can offer an increased number of quality projects for the next Erasmus programme.

Additional opportunities in the Africa-Europe Alliance

As in 2019, this year’s call will offer additional opportunities to support exchanges for African students and staff to participate in Erasmus+. While 26,247 exchanges have already taken place, the aim is to support 35,000 people by 2020, as announced in the Africa-Europe Alliance for Sustainable Investment and Jobs. Universities can also apply for capacity building in higher education projects.

Erasmus+ Call for proposals

Erasmus+ Programme Guide


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