2- Photo EU Council (BRUSSELS) – Eurozone finance ministers held ‘positive and constructive’ talks Monday on the state of play of the first review of Greece’s…
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Source EP (VATICAN) – Pope Francis was awarded the prestigious 2016 Charlemagne Prize at a ceremony held at the Vatican Friday,…
Dealing floor (BRUSSELS) – Euro-MPs delivered a boost for financial market stability in the EU by voting in a law to ensure robust and transparent benchmark setting.The new law aims…
Self-reliance and dignity are the themes of a new approach set out by the European Commission on Tuesday for refugees and displaced people coming…
Energy (NEW YORK) – The EU signed the global Paris climate agreement in a high-level ceremony in New York. The agreement was concluded at the UN climate change conference in…
The European Commission set out plans Tuesday to help European industry make the most of new digital technologies and to boost investment in…
A new EU campaign focuses on Europe’s enterprises and the need to promote sustainable work and healthy ageing from the beginning of working…
ASEM logo (VIENTIANE) – European leaders flew to impoverished Laos Monday on a mission to reassure Asia they are finally getting a grip on the eurozone debt crisis during a…
The eurozone finally gets its 500 billion euro rescue fund on Monday when finance ministers meet amid growing uncertainty over Greece’s tortuous…
Photo EU Council (LUXEMBOURG) – Eurozone finance ministers, gathering in Luxembourg Sunday, were set to release more loans to keep Athens from default in the summer…