The dollar’s advance continues unabated, with EUR/USD hitting a new 12-month low during this morning’s Asian session.
The Commission presented legislative proposals Wednesday to implement the most comprehensive reform of EU economic governance rules since the aftermath…
EU member states spent around EUR 335 billion under state aid measures in 2021, 57 per cent…
gas- Photo Naftogaz of Ukraine (BRUSSELS) – The EU Commission launched Tuesday a process for European companies to register their gas purchase needs via the AggregateEU mechanism, to prepare for…
The European Commission adopted a package Thursday with the main aim of simplifying, streamlining and speeding up both…
Cryptocurrency (STRASBOURG) – The European Parliament endorsed Thursday the first EU rules to trace crypto-asset transfers, prevent money laundering, with common rules on supervision and customer protection.The first piece of…
The EU Commission put forward proposals Tuesday to strengthen the EU’s bank crisis management and deposit insurance (CMDI) framework, with…