The Commission gave a boost to Europe’s defence readiness Thursday announcing the first-ever EU-funded projects supporting common procurement of critical defence products by the EU Member States.
The European Commission is taking further measures to ease the implementation of the new EU Regulations on chemicals for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and reduce costs.The Regulation, that sets…
The European Commission has cleared under the EU Merger Regulation the proposed merger of Total Italia and Erg Petroli (EGP), both of Italy, into a new joint venture, active in…
The European Commission has cleared, under the EU Mergers Regulation, the proposed acquisition of the French Vedici group of healthcare facilities by the British investment group 3i.The Commission concluded that…
Links between business and the academic world need to be strengthened but higher education institutions must retain their autonomy and public support, says a resolution adopted on Thursday by the…
The European Commission has approved under EU state aid rules a 1.5 billion recapitalisation provided by Belgium in the context of the restructuring of Ethias, a Belgian insurer that ran…
EU Council of Ministers in June will create a financial instrument to develop a comprehensive maritime policy and will promote the inclusion of a maritime aspect in EU security and…