— last modified 03 December 2008 The European Commission has adopted proposals to amend three of the existing legislative instruments of the Common European Asylum System: the Directive on reception…
Author: eub2
— last modified 02 December 2008 From 1 December 2008, new rules on tax and duty free imports enter into force. Travellers will benefit from cost savings when importing goods…
— last modified 28 November 2008 The European Commission has published its preliminary report on the competition inquiry into the pharmaceutical sector, which finds that competition in this industry does…
— last modified 27 November 2008 The European Commission has published a Green Paper on Consumer Collective Redress on how to facilitate redress in situations where large numbers of consumers…
— last modified 27 November 2008 The European Commission decided on 27 November to ask Germany formally to modify the 1960 law privatising Volkswagen (VW law) following a ruling of…
— last modified 26 November 2008 On 25-26 November 2008, in Bordeaux, ministers responsible for vocational education and training (VET) of the EU Member States, the EFTA/EEA and candidate countries,…
— last modified 25 November 2008 The International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tuna (ICCAT) meeting in Marrakech, Morocco reached consensus on 25 November on a plan to strengthen…
— last modified 20 November 2008 Europeana, Europe’s multimedia online library opens to the public today. At www.europeana.eu, Internet users around the world can now access more than two million…
— last modified 20 November 2008 EU agriculture ministers on 20 November reached political agreement on a ‘Health Check’ of the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy. The Health Check will modernise,…
— last modified 20 November 2008 The European Commission in 2007 recruited more women than men in all employment categories. Women accounted for 50.6% of appointments to administrator posts and…